Have you ever been to a Fast CAT event?
No… it’s not an event where cats compete to see who is the fastest. Fast CAT stands for Fast Coursing Ability Test.
It is hard to imagine dogs without also imagining dog collars. If you are like us, you use dog collars to help keep your dog safe and under control in public spaces.
Everyone knows about the dangers of leaving chocolate out around your dogs. It’s such common knowledge that even people who have never lived with a dog know it more often…
Since dogs were first domesticated over 14000 years ago, humans and dogs have teamed up to better both species. From the early days of dogs following humans around to…
We all love those beautiful sunny days when we can find time to go out for a drive. Maybe you have a destination, like going on a hike, or perhaps you just want to relax…
When it comes to our pets, health is no joke. Here at Dog Sense Learning Center in Lancaster, Pa, we encourage our customers to be conscious of the food they feed their…
Last-Minute Ideas for Christmas & New Years with your Dog
If you are like us here at Dog Sense, you love to include your dog in the holidays!
Likewise, we know it…
Can You Teach an Old Dog a New Trick?
A saying as old as the English language itself, “You can’t teach an old dog a new trick,” but is it true? It may come as a shock…
As the weather continues to transition from fall to winter, the importance of adequately protecting your dogs from low-temperature conditions continues to rise. The…
In our article about identifying reputable dog breeders, we briefly touched on the popular #AdoptDontShop movement. While our stance in that article may seem like we do not…
We are sure many of you have heard of the #AdoptDontShop movement that is being pushed in today’s society. However, if you have not, it is a movement that is encouraging…
Many people love long-haired dog breeds, well, until they take them home and are met with copious amounts of hair throughout their house. While people often look at how cute…
As the hot summer weather gives way to the crisp winds of the fall, many of you may be looking for some new activities for you and your dogs. Luckily for you, here at Dog…
Tracked distance: 3.71 miles
Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Difficulty level: Beginner-Intermediate
Welcome to our new blog series here at Dogsense! Where we show…
2020 is upon us and with it, the new decade brings promises of positive lifestyle changes. While most people are focusing on changes that will make there own life better, the…
Training is a vital part of a dog’s life. Besides providing mental stimulation which makes your dog happy, training also has the benefits of instilling good manners, building…
For busy adults, one of the hardest things about owning a dog is balancing your work schedule with spending time with your dog. Many people do not want to leave their dog…
When people take their holiday vacations, one of the things they often struggle with is the question of what to do with their dogs. Bringing dogs along on a road trip or…
While trimming your dog’s nails might seem like an unnecessary inconvenience, it is extremely important to your dog’s overall health. A dog’s nails should be clipped often…
There are few things in life that can match the experience of getting a new puppy. If this is your first dog, the trainers here at Dog Sense are happy to welcome you to the…
Despite the prevalence of the old adage, an old dog can be taught new tricks. Most people associate training with puppies, but the truth is that, like humans, dogs can learn…
Let’s be honest, no matter how often you brush your dog’s teeth, it can still have foul-smelling breath. While brushing your dog’s teeth on a daily basis is a good first step…
When you make the outstanding decision of working with the puppy training experts at Dog Sense you take the first steps on your journey of instilling the right behavior in…
Summer is right around the corner, and for many people that means planning their next memorable summer vacation. We understand that some destinations aren’t practical for…
When you choose Dog Sense for your dog boarding needs, you can also have your dog trained by one of our highly experienced trainers. This is a fantastic opportunity to give…
If you have vacation plans post holidays, like getting out of cold and overcast central PA, and are seeking a safe, comfortable place to board your dog, Dog Sense in…
There is much more to training a puppy than meets the eye. Hiring a professional dog trainer, will help you develop your puppy into an incredible companion dog and avoid the…
For safety, happy neighbors, and your dogs own health and happiness, it’s important to help your dog feel at ease in different social situations involving humans and animals…
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? The answer is a resounding yes!
You can train your dog. Not only can older dogs learn new things, doing so may be beneficial to…
At Dog Sense in Lancaster, we field a lot of questions from customers regarding dog cleaning. One of the most common ones is “How often should I bathe my dog?” For a long…