We all love those beautiful sunny days when we can find time to go out for a drive. Maybe you have a destination, like going on a hike, or perhaps you just want to relax. Of course, your furry companion wants to come along too! But if you are like us, your dog’s safety is of the utmost importance to you. That’s why we here at Dog Sense came together to give you some great tips on keeping your dog safe on car rides.
Seat Safety
As hard as it may be to do, your dog should not be in the front seat of your car. Airbags are designed for adults in seat belts, and should an accident occur; an airbag can cause injury to your furry friend. Instead, your pet should have a nice spot in the backseat, preferably with a seat harness that will act like a seatbelt in the event of an accident. If you opt to have your pet in a crate, be sure to secure it so that it does not move around.
Everyone knows how much dogs like to hang their heads out windows on a nice drive, but not many think of the risks involved. Stray debris or rocks could easily hit your dog at high speeds if their head is out the window, causing unnecessary pain and injury.
If your dog happens not to be harnessed, it could quickly jump out the window if it is down too much. We don’t even want to think about what could happen if your dog hangs out the window during an accident. Alternatively, just crack your window a bit so your dog can still enjoy that nice breeze.
Long Trips
Longer car rides for things like travel and vacation can be a lot of fun to do with your dog but can also pose risks outside of just the ones above. It is always essential to bring water for your dog on these trips and periodically give them potty breaks to stretch their legs.
Speaking of breaks, be sure to crack the windows and leave the car running with A/C on if you stop at a gas station or elsewhere. Car interiors can become much too hot for your dog faster than you may think.
Don’t want to worry about the potential risks of going on a long trip with your dog? Then, schedule a dog boarding appointment with us here in Lancaster, PA, and let us take great care of your pup!