We offer the following obedience classes:
- Rally Obedience
- Pre-Novice Puppy
- Novice
- Open
- Utility
- Combined Progressive Obedience
Groups are small (4-8 dogs), encouraging camaraderie and an open exchange of ideas.
$120 per 6 week session.
A drop-in class is offered for handlers and dogs of all levels needing more experience in preparing or training their dog for the conformation ring. This is the class you need if you aspire to attend Westminster or the National Dog Show someday! Come as you want, pay as you go. $15 per week
- A scheduled handling class is offered several times throughout the year for both beginner handlers looking to improve their handling abilities, and for beginner dogs/puppies needing to learn the necessary skills. *call or email for availability $80-100 per 4 week session