When people take their holiday vacations, one of the things they often struggle with is the question of what to do with their dogs. Bringing dogs along on a road trip or airplane journey can be difficult and stressful for both dogs and their owners, as many dogs are not suited for travel. If you decide to travel without your pup take comfort in the fact that there are several options of care for your pet to choose from including boarding facilities, and pet sitters. We feel trusting professional boarding facilities such as the Dog Sense, is the safest option for your dog. Our Lancaster, PA dog care center has a few different tiers of dog boarding options that allow you to relax and enjoy your holiday vacation without needing to worry about your dog’s happiness
1. Why Use a Dog Boarding Service
When events like holiday travel, illness, or family emergencies disrupt regular dog care, people are sometimes at a loss over what to do with their pets. Some people may choose to bring their dogs with them on their holiday trip, not realizing the disruptions it can cause. Walking into the hotel to learn they don’t accept canines, having to find an emergency vet as your dog didn’t handle the stress of the travel well, or worse losing your pet in a strange area, can all put a serious damper on your trip. Some dog owners may choose to turn their dogs over to well-meaning neighbors or friends who end up not caring for them properly, or worse the caretaker finds out they can’t handle your dog and you are trying to find an alternative caretaker while being hundreds of miles away. We have heard stories of dogs escaping from a family member’s home and getting lost. We have had pet sitters drop dogs off at our facility when their own plans changed and they could no longer dog sit. We have heard of dogs who ran out the door when the pet sitter came to care for them.
A trusted alternative to these dog care options is to use a dog boarding facility. The goals of a dog boarding facility are to give pets a safe and happy boarding experience, in a proven safe environment, and allow dog owners to enjoy their time away from home content that your pet is receiving the best care possible.
2. The Dog Sense Dog Boarding Service
If you’re heading out of town for the holidays, the loving staff at Dog Sense will care for your dogs as if they were our own. We like to think of our boarding service more as a hotel for dogs. The day typically starts at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning with a bathroom break and maid service (suites are cleaned, bedding changed, and breakfast served). After breakfast, some dogs receive walks, others a food stuffed toy to chew on, and some dogs get to participate in games and playtime with their friends. We have two different tiers of our dog boarding service:
Tier 1: Includes a private suite with dog door access to outdoor private run, two meals per day, a climate controlled environment, a soft bed if desired, and free biscuits at bedtime.
Tier 2: Includes all of the above, plus playtime with others if approved for group play, access to our full daycare program if already enrolled in the daycare program, or one to two sessions of private play time if not approved to play with others.
3. Convenient Dog Boarding in Lancaster
Dog Sense is a Lancaster, PA dog boarding, daycare, training, and grooming company that will take care of your dogs while you are on holiday vacation. Run by Wendy Jordan, a professional dog trainer since 2000, Dog Sense has a professional team of instructors and a beautiful peaceful setting.
To learn more about our dog boarding services, contact us at (717) 509-5652.